Join us for an easy after-work walk/hike to the nearby natural arch. Besides the photo-op at the arch itself, this gives a nice view of Los Alamos and surrounding area, and shows the consequences of the 2000 fire and the ensuing recovery and changes.
Normal walk/hike speed is 25-30 minutes each way, so with sightseeing and picture-taking this will run a little over an hour. This is nominally targeted at summer visitors but all are welcome--in the past experienced Mountaineers joined and were extremely helpful with keeping the group on course and answering questions; this year that could be you!
We'll depart from the Mitchell trailhead at 6:30pm sharp, Wednesday June 24, so please plan to arrive at 6:15pm to give time to sign the waiver (and find your way to the start if you're not familiar with Los Alamos--it's a maze of streets up there).
This map shows the location of Mitchell trailhead as a small yellow marker in the upper left corner. No need to sign up, just show up.
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