Anyone want to join in on a moderate/difficult day hike Saturday to Trampas Lakes?
The hike is described here:
We will meet at the totavi gas station on 502 at 7 AM and carpool with whoever ends up going. Totavi is the gas station at the bottom of the hill on State Route 502, east of Los Alamos.
Looks like ~ 1:15 drive to the trailhead from there:
Bring standard summertime gear- hiking clothes, water, lunch, rain gear.
With a ~11 mile out and back w/ ~2.5k ft gain, I would guess about 5 hours max plus any sight seeing we want to do. If people are interested and the route is accessible/passable (12.5k ridge line), we would want to try for a loop linking to the San Leonardo Lakes. (Trail # 31->45->30 [see trailmap])
Questions? Call me at 720-261-2811
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