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Another Local Treasure: Pajarito - Valle Loop

Sat, 2015-06-20
Michael Altherr

Background: We live in a spectacular setting, but often find ourselves fleeing to get away from our weekday lives on the weekends. There are spectacular adventures to be had within minutes of where we live and this is one of them. So, if you find yourself in town on the weekend of this year's solstice c'mon out and enjoy one of Los Alamos' local treasures. This hike is scheduled for the same weekend as the LA Mountaineer's new leaders discussion group to be held (June 19) the evening before at Jean Dewart's home. So, I will hold 5, of the 15, participant slots available for individuals who come to Jean's the evening before. This will serve as a field practical to consider things that were discussed.
The Goods: We will meet Saturday morning June 20, 2015 at the Dungeon parking area at 07:30. That's just past the EOC on NM 501 on the right hand side of the road. We'll review the roster, waivers, etc. and plan to hit the trail about 07:45. The entire loop is less than 10 mile, and climbs a total of approximately 3,000 feet, most of that in the first 4 miles. The trip will ascend one of Craig Martin's recent trail projects up through Pajarito Canyon to the back side of Pajarito Mtn. near the Spruce lift. We will make our way a short distance along the service road then descend to the saddle between Pajarito Mtn. and Cerro Grande. We will lunch at the saddle, and then descend the Valle Trail to a connector trail which will return us to our park cars. Allow 6-7h for the entire loop and lunch.
Extras: This is a child and dog friendly trip. I would welcome a limited number of our four legged friends if they are both friendly and socialized. The same goes for children. If you'd like to bring your furry companion along, please call the trip leader at 661-4237. Their number will be limited to four. Children will be counted as participants, but are welcome if they are accompanied by one or more of their parents and can manage the distance and altitude gain at an appropriate pace.

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