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San Pedro Parks Backpacking

Sat, 2015-05-16
Scott and JoLynn Baily

Our family would like to organize a backpacking trip in San Pedro Parks. We are looking for any other interested people that would like to join us. We can adapt our plans depending on interest as there are many good options for loop hikes. Dates and exact route will be decided by the participants.  Possible weekends May16-17; May 23-25; May 30-31
How many nights: one or two depending on the interest.
Length: Our 7 year old will be hiking and our 3 year old will be hiking/riding in a carrier so the average pace will not be fast and we are probably looking at less than 6 miles per day. San Pedro Parks is mostly rolling hills near 10,000 feet, with plenty of water. This would make a good trip for families and beginners. Let me know if you are interested and we will plan more details once we have a group interested.

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