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Ute Mountain Car Camp and Hike April 18-19

Sat, 2015-04-18
Jan Studebaker

For many years as I drove past San Antonio Mountain on my way to Alamosa I looked to the East and wondered what that obvious mountain was that almost looked like San Antonio's sister.  I later discovered it was named Ute Mountain.  I had climbed San Antonio several times, but didn't know how to get to Ute.  Luckily fellow LAM mountaineer Jason Halladay had posted a well written SummitPost route description.  I think it's time to check out the mountain!

My plan is to meet at the old Smith's parking area (in LA) at noon on Saturday the 18th, carpool to Questa where we begin the first and easiest driving route described in Jason's write up.  We will hopefully find a place close to the mountain to car camp.  We will plan a route up, setup our tents, have dinner, etc.  The next morning we will have a leisurely breakfast, pack up camp, climb to the top, have lunch, and hike back to the cars.  Individuals will be responsible for their own meals, stoves, etc.

It may be cold at night so warm clothes and sleeping bags would be a good idea, as would be plenty of water, headlamps, rain jackets, etc.  Please bring a Two-Way Radio set to the 3.14 channel if you have one.

There are no established trails or routes on Ute Mountain.  When Jason hiked it, he followed a ridge up the SW side of Ute Mountain and his "Getting There" directions reflect his driving approach.  Part of the fun of Ute Mountain may be making our own way up the mountain.  Think Adventure!

Please email me if you wish to join us.


I have decided to cancel the Ute Mountain Hike due to likely unpleasant weather and a memorial for an old friend.  I plan to reschedule in May, and hope you all will join me at that time.

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