This will be a practice session for snow/ice skills we want to learn or improve upon before heading to Mt. Hood.
We'll use the east end of Pajarito Ski Hill. Where you make a 90 degree righthand turn to make the final approach to Pajarito Ski Hill's parking, there is a large area to park in that corner. It overlooks the bottom of the Townsite chair. Let's meet here by 8am.
We'll find a place to pack down a sliding spot.
In order of priority:
1) Self-arrest.
2) Catch a falling partner during roped travel.
3) Crampon skills - traverse, climb, descend.
4) Transfer weight from team members to anchor and setup a 3:1 haul system. Bring a person up a steep incline.
You'll need:
Cold weather, waterproof clothing that you'd where to Mt. Hood, including sunscreen
Snacks and something to drink
Ice axe and crampons
Harness w/ personal anchor, helmet, and belay device
60cm prusik loop
Two small, prusik loops to use as rope grabs
A few locking biners
A couple slings with biners for the anchor
A picket or other snow anchor device
Pulleys, rope grabs, progress capture devices if you have them (I have a lot of these)
Dry ropes (the lighter the better)
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