As we have done in past years, we will head for Salida to establish a base in a comfortable house or cabin, and spend our days in winter sports in the Monarch Pass area. While Monarch ski area is not longer free on a Pajarito pass, tickets are relatively inexpensive online. Monarch is a high Continental Divide ski area with wonderful views, and is skiing of the old fashioned kind, without the glitz and expensive one finds farther north in Colorado. Snow conditions are already pretty good, with a 46" base, and ought to get better. There are several snowshoe/XC options; a classic is the old Monarch Pass trail. Salida is an interesting town with one of my favorite restaurants, Laughing Ladies. There are even hiking options along the Arkansas River if we have a warm day.
We will drive up in the afternoon on Thursday, February 5, and stay in a rented house for three nights. We spend two full days doing winter sports, and will return on Sunday, hopefully squeezing in a morning outing of some sort. There are plenty of options; I'll pick one based on participation. Please let me know at if you are interested. I would appreciate a $100 deposit to help me make the house deposit. I would expect a per person cost in the $150-200 range for the weekend, depending on the house and how we fill it. These have been wonderful weekends in the past, and I expect another.
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