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Backcountry ski to Cat Mesa Hoodoo's

Sun, 2015-01-25
Michael Altherr

This will be a trip jointly offered with PEEC.This is a cross country ski trip to the Cat Mesa Hoodoos overlook from the back gate at Sierra Los Pinos. The trip will be an out and back, with a partial loop requiring moderate skinny skiing skills, and of course SNOW. There is some modest downhill on a road grade that can 'easily' be reversed with scaled skis. The trip is expected to last 3-4 hours. The trip will be limited to 12. Please include your phone number when expressing your interest via email. We'll meet at PEEC at 8:00 AM 3540 Orange St. to arrange car pools. Those coming from Albuquerque or the Jemez can meet us at the Sierra Los Pinos mail boxes at the intersection with FR 10 at approximately 8:45.

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