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Learn to X-C Ski or Snowshoe this Winter!

Mon, 2014-12-15
Jean Dewart

Would you (or folks you know) like to learn to X-C ski or snowshoe this winter?  Let me know, and we will schedule dates that you can go!
For X-C skiing - we will travel to the Enchanted Forest X-C ski area, located just east of Red River, NM.  The ski area has rental gear, instruction, and packed trails.  For a description of the area, and prices, go to
For snowshoeing, our very own Los Alamos Parks and Recreation has snowshoes and poles to rent - $5/day.  We will go on a snowshoe hike, hopefully in our local area and try it out.
So, let me know if you are interested, so we can schedule some dates - send a email to
"It is never too early to start thinking about ski season"  Lao-Tse 700 BC

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