This trip is a bicycle ride on paved roads from Jemez Springs to the Gilman Tunnels and back. The Gilman tunnels are located in the most scenic section of the Guadalupe River Box. These tunnels were originally blasted out of the rock in the 1920's for a logging railroad. The rock is a Precambrian crystalline matrix that is pinkish in color making it a popular area for technical climbing.
The plan is to meet on Saturday morning at 8:30 AM at the Sullivan Field parking lots to facilitate car pooling. We will then drive to Jemez Springs and rendezvous at 9:30 AM at the parking area along State Road 4 in front of the Jemez Springs Plaza (on the NW side of the highway just before Mooney Blvd. and the Los Ojos Restaurant.) From there we will bike south along State Road 4 to the Highway 485 junction. We will then bike north on 485 (becoming Highway 376) to the tunnels. After admiring the view we will return by the same route which can be viewed at the following URL address . The total distance is 26.6 miles and we should be back in Jemez Springs by about 12:00 PM where those who would like can have lunch at a local restaurant.
The weather forecast for the trip is sunny (0% chance of precipitation) with a high of 66 degrees. The cottonwoods along the route should be near the peak of their fall colors, making it a most beautiful ride.
Send an email to if you are planning to come.
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