Let's go climbing up near El Rito, again. This time we'll checkout the new area that Jason H. and friends have been developing, the Little River Wall. See There's a link to the guide there. It's a Sport Climbing area.
For those coming from the Los Alamos/White Rock area, we will depart from The Y parking area at 8:35am. If anyone is coming from Santa Fe, we can meet at the Northern NM Community College parking lot. We'll depart from there at 9am.
We'll climb until we are done, or it gets dark.
You are responsible for your own gear, food, etc. I've been told that since this is a new area there is a lot of loose stuff. So, you should have and wear a helmet and use caution as you climb. If you're going to clean something, make sure everyone below knows it and is clear of the area where the material will fall.
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