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Ancho Canyon to Red or Blue Dot Trail Hike

Sun, 2014-10-26
Jean Dewart

Let's hike down to Ancho Rapids in White Rock Canyon on the Rio Grande.  The hike begins from State Route 4 south of White Rock, on the Ancho Springs Trail, then proceeds upstream along the Rio Grande, and then finishes hiking up the Red or Blue Dot Trail to Pajarito Acres or the Overlook Park in White Rock.  The hike is 1100 ft of elevation loss/gain.  
If we hike out at Red Dot Trail, the hike is about 6 miles long and will take about 5 hours.  If we hike out at the Blue Dot Trail, the hike is about 8 miles and will take about 6 hours.  We will set up a shuttle at the beginning of the hike, to drive back to our cars at the Ancho Rapids trail.  We will choose Red or Blue Dot trail based on participant interest.  
Bring lunch, water, good hiking shoes, and clothing appropriate to the weather.  We will plan to leave Los Alamos by 8 am.  
To sign up for the trip, email  We'll make carpooling arrangements the week before the hike.
Hope you can come!  

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