Let's hike the Lake Peak - Penitente Peak loop from the Santa Fe Ski Basin. Leave Los Alamos Sunday at 6:30 am, to avoid thundershowers, and begin hiking at 8 am from the SF Ski Basin. (We can meet SF & Abq folks at the Ski Basin) The hike is approximately 12-13 miles long with ~2800 vertical rise. Hike up the Windsor Trail to the Raven's Ridge Trail. Then up to Deception Peak and Lake Peak. Hike across to Penitente Peak. Then finally down to Puerto Nambe and back to the Ski Basin. Almost all of the hike is on a well used trail, but there is a bit of 3rd class scrambling between the Deception and Lake peaks. Total hiking time ~ 6 hours. To sign up (and set up carpooling), email Jean at jdewart@q.com. Bring rain gear, lunch, and water.
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