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Santa Fe Baldy hike

Sat, 2014-06-21
Jean Dewart

Let's celebrate the summer solstice with a hike up Santa Fe Baldy!  Wonderful views across northern New Mexico from the summit at 12,600 ft.
It is a 14 mile round trip, with 3600 ft elevation gain.  It will be about an 8 hour hike.
We will meet in Los Alamos at 6:50 am to carpool and leave at 7:00 am.  We will be hiking at about 8:30 am.  SF/ABQ folks - we'll meet you in SF at the DeVargas Mall or at the SF Ski Basin (we will work out these details when you sign up).  (if there is a strong chance of thunderstorms that day, we will leave 30 minutes earlier)
Bring lunch, water (2+ quarts), sunscreen.
To sign up and arrange carpooling details, email Jean at

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