I am proposing a 4 day backpack, to start/end at the Williams Creek Reservoir, north of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. I will have to do a scouting trip, ahead of time - to make sure the trails are open - but, the area is south from last year's forest fires. In the event that the scouting trip is not successful - we will switch the hike location - most probably to the South San Juan Wilderness Area, out of Platoro, Colorado.
The hike will take off from the Williams Creek trailhead, on trail #587. About a mile short of Williams Lake, turn northwest onto the Continental Divide Trail. Camp Thursday night below the CDT. Friday, Join the CDT and go west on the CDT to Squaw Pass. Camp at the lakes west of Squaw Pass. Take a day hike on Saturday. On Sunday, hike down to the Cimarona Trail head on trail 586 - the trail ends about 1 mile from where we will leave the cars.
We will leave Los Alamos early on Thursday July 3rd and drive to the trailhead. Then hike for the afternoon. Returning the late afternoon of Sunday July 6th. The total distance is about 25 miles and the elevation gain is 3,000 - 4,000 ft total.
To sign up, send an email to jdewart@q.com. Trip limit will be 12 people. Folks are responsible for their own tents/stoves/food - but, we will help folks connect with eachother, if folks would like to share equipment. If we have not backpacked together before, please let me know about your recent backpacking experience, so we can be sure this trip is suitable.
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