We will continue our series of fun trips for Climbing School graduates from this year or other recent years with a one-day outing to Tres Piedras, located about 90 minutes north of Los Alamos. Tres Piedras has low-angle slab and friction climbing on beautiful granite knobs and slopers, mostly bolt-protected with some gear placements. We will set top rope climbs in the 5.7 to 5.10 range. Leading opportunities are more limited, starting with 5.8 trad or 5.9 bolt routes.
Let's meet at the Sullivan Field parking lot across from the High School at 8:15 AM to sign the Club waiver, then depart by 8:30 AM. Climbers from Santa Fe can join us at the Northern New Mexico Community College in Espanola at 9 AM. Bring your climbing harnesses, helmets, shoes, lunch, and raingear. If you already have a rope, bring that also so that we can set up more climbs for everyone. Please e-mail Norbert at norbert.ensslin@gmail.com if you would like to come on this trip. That way we will know how many graduates are coming and how many climbing leaders should be invited to help set up climbs.
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