2024 LAM Officers and appointed Board Members More Biographies
Officer Roles and Responsibilities
The mountaineers mailing address is:
Los Alamos Mountaineers, 115 Grand Canyon Dr, White Rock, NM 87547
To email the entire board, send to lam (dash) board (at) googlegroups dot com
Monthly General Meetings
The Los Alamos Mountaineers have a general meeting each month. Each meeting features a presentation of general mountaineering interest, most often a slide show, given by both members and invited guests. Visitors are always welcome to attend, and may find that there is no better way to meet other local outdoor adventurers. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm with a short social gathering which always includes recent trip reports, and upcoming trip descriptions and sign-ups. Visitors are also welcome to sign-up for most of our trips. We break for several minutes, and resume at 7:30 pm for the evenings presentation. Meeting details are available on this site and in occasional email announcements.
Monthly Board Meetings
The LAM Board of Directors normally meet on the first Wednesday of each month. If you would like to bring something pertaining to the club to our attention, please contact any board member. For more information contact any LAM board member (see above for contact information).
LAM Constitution and Bylaws
The "Los Alamos Mountaineer's Constitution and Bylaws" provide guidance and rules for the operation of all aspects of our club's operations. The bylaws specifically address issues such as rules for trip leaders and participants. LAM is a New Mexico, registered, non-profit corporation. We ask that all members read our constitution at least once a year.
Membership and Club Dues
Membership in the Los Alamos Mountaineers require a yearly payment of dues, and a signed waiver. Dues are $15 for an individual, or $20 for a family. Checks payable to the "Los Alamos Mountaineers", or cash, are acceptable. Pay the Treasurer (above), in person, or mail to the physical address above.
Los Alamos Mountaineers Waiver
This printable waiver is to be signed by each member of the "Los Alamos Mountaineers" as a condition of membership and participation in their activities. It is a release of liability and a waiver of rights that will be held by our club's secretary. Completed waivers can be mailed to the physical address above.
Speakers for Future Meetings
A presentation will earn you a free membership, and dinner at the restaurant of your choice in Los Alamos. Let an LAM board member (see above for contact information) know of your interest.
Trips, Activities, and Web Announcements
If you would like to lead a trip for the club, you can post it yourself! After you login, you can post your own trips, swap meet items, and biographies yourself. Please make sure waivers for participants are current and recorded by the Club prior to your trip. In addition, the "Los Alamos Mountaineer's Trip Sign-Up Sheet" includes the trip waiver, and should be used for all club sponsored trips.
Trip Archive
All trip leaders (or designated alternates) for activities of the Los Alamos Mountaineers are requested to submit trip/activity reports for inclusion in the Trip Archive . After you login, you can post your trip report as a comment on the existing trip announcement. It is hoped that this archive will grow into a reference and inspiration to all. Please submit your reports as comments to the original trip description, accessable from the Calendar.
LAM Trip Policy
Club trips are cooperative adventures shared by the participants. The entire group is collectively responsible for a trip and each member is individually responsible for judging his or her ability, skill level, and safety. The trip leader may refuse to allow a participant, based on reasonable grounds, but the responsibility for judging one's qualifications and accepting the risks involved lies solely with each trip member. Trips are open only to LAM members and their guests. All participants must sign the the "Los Alamos Mountaineer's Trip Sign-Up Sheet," which includes our trip waiver. This sign-up sheet should be used for all club sponsored trips.
Trip Leader Awards
The club is grateful to those who lead our outdoor adventures. Look here for more information about trip leader awards.
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