We are planning a ski/snowshoe trip to the Tenth Mountain Hut Division – Skinner Hut for February 14-18, 2014. Sixteen people can be accommodated in the hut.
Skinner Hut is owned by the 10th Mountain organization. Skinner Hut breaks from common design by having only one story. The Continental Divide is close by, as are plenty of other options for high routes and ski descents. A superb view from the hut's east windows includes the 14,036-foot summit of Mount Sherman in the Mosquito Mountains east of Leadville. Skinner Hut is named in honor of William Wood Skinner, 10th Mountain Division veteran. Funding was donated by Skinner's sister Elizabeth Guenzel, with construction completed in 1990.
Because of steep terrain and possible avalanche danger, no route to the Skinner Hut is moderate. Indeed, more than one party has realized that the hut's name comes close to that of an essential piece of equipment for every route to the hut: climbing skins. The Glacier Creek route is the most popular ascent to the Skinner Hut, but involves an extremely steep climb and descent. Busk Creek has easier skiing, but involves more route-finding and distance. Skiing from the Skinner Hut to Betty Bear Hut via Hagerman Pass is relatively benign, but does involve plenty of travel above treeline where wind and whiteouts can foil the best mountaineers. Details can be found here. The deposit/preliminary cost estimate is $120 for hut accommodations. Send deposit to me at address above. Make your own hotel reservations for the night of the 14th in Leadville. I recommend the Columbine Inn.
We do group breakfasts and dinners on this trip. If you have special dietary requirements, please let me know when you sign up. The rest of us will accommodate as practical, but, depending on the meal planning and your restrictions, you may have to prepare your own food for some of the meals.
Itinerary as follows:
Friday, February 14, dinner and hotel room in Leadville, CO, approx. a 5 hour drive from Los Alamos, Saturday-Monday nights, February 15-17, Skinner Hut, Tuesday, February 18, ski or snowshoe out and drive home.
Please contact the trip leader by e-mail, rather than signing up on this website.
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