This ski tour to the Brazos Overlook is a replacement for the El Cajete ski tour in the the Valle Grande, which has been postponed to Saturday, Feb. 1st while we wait for more snow in the Jemez.
The Brazos tour starts at the second picnic area along the highway between Tierra Amarilla and Tres Piedras and goes out to a scenic overlook of the Brazos Cliffs. This is a very beautiful, popular area that the Mountaineers have visited in past years. There is usually good snow because of the 10,000 foot elevation and the more northerly location. However, this year we may encounter some windslab and a short rocky area to navigate through.
It is about a 2-hour drive from Los Alamos followed by a moderate 7-mile-roundtrip ski tour. The tour is suitable for an intermediate level of cross-country ski touring experience, and is rated easy to moderate. Skiers who want to just go in a short way and then turn back are also welcome.
Let's meet at the Los Alamos National Bank parking lot at 7:30 AM Sunday and depart by 7:45 AM. We can put together some carpools as needed. Also we can meet up with any skiers from Santa Fe at the Northern New Mexico Community College parking lot in Espanola at about 8:15 AM. You can sign up for this tour by e-mailing Norbert at, or just showing up at the LANB parking lot before we depart.
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