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David Fellenz

Major LAM Activities and Positions Held:

  • Treasurer, 2009, 2010

I have lived in the great state of New Mexico for about five years now, having been born and raised in the snow and ice of Wisconsin.  I moved here because of LANL.  Not that I work there (my wife does).  I actually work as the Bookstore Manager at Bandelier National Monument (where I have been employed since moving to NM).  It is a fantastic job, as it allows me to get out and hike on my lunch breaks!

My background is in geology, having received my BA in the subject from Lawrence University in Appleton, WI.  While growing up and living in Wisconsin, I paddled hundreds of miles via canoe across the state and in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota/Canada.  However, due to a lack of abundant surface water (and a canoe), I have taken to hiking and backpacking since moving west.
Aside from this, I am a newbie when it comes to climbing.  I am a proud graduate of the class of 2008 LAM Climbing School.  I really enjoy the sport and have been trying to fit in as much climbing as my schedule will allow.

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