The annual "hanging of the fence" up at the cross country ski trails, this weekend (November 2-3 at 10am), and possibly another November 16-17. Since the fire, we have a lot more area to cover and with a few more hands, the project goes exponentially faster.
We will have a couple of folks leading/directing the work from the end of the Ski Pajarito parking lot. The plan is to meet at 10:00 AM, pick up some zip ties and go up that first little hill to where the fencing is to be hung.
All of the volunteer hours spent doing the work goes into our local volunteer cost-share challenge agreement with the Forest Service, which in turn helps us to qualify for trail construction/rehabilitation funds (hiking, mountain biking, etc.), not just for the Nordic trails...actually mostly NOT for the Nordic trails!
Some folks have also mentioned that we could host an impromptu Nordic Ski Swap. I for one, have a lot of used xc ski gear that could be sold for cheap as a donation to the Southwest Nordic Ski Club. So, bring some old gear to sell, or come look for some gear to purchase.
Why do we hang so much fencing you ask? Well, the first kilometer or so of the trails are southeast facing, and without all those big trees shading it now, the snow melts even when it's below freezing. With just a little bit of shade, it stays around and builds up a base. This helps with the skiing of course, but also with the storage of water for an actual spring melt when flora and fauna need it, versus the premature winter meltdown.
Bring a variety of work/outside clothing, food and water. It'll be fun and a beautiful day! Hope to see you all there!!!
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