Let's enjoy fall colors and beautiful New Mexico mountain scenery on this two day backpacking trip near our home. This weekend is supposed to provide peak fall colors in the mountains.
The plan:
- Leave Los Alamos at 7AM on Saturday, October 5, and arrive at the trailhead around 8:30.
- Hike 6 miles (2,500 vertical feet) to Trampas lakes and set up camp around lunch time.
- (optional) In the afternoon/evening, we will hike to the north ridge of Truchas peaks and enjoy spectacular views. This adds a couple of miles and 1,000 feet. We plan to watch the sunset from the ridge, which should be very photogenic. The views include the rugged North Truchas peak.
- If the weather does not let us do the ridge hike on Saturday, we will do it on Sunday morning. Otherwise, we will pack the camp and go home.
- Please do not bring dogs on this trip.
Please do not sign up for the trip on this website. E-mail the trip leader directly. Thanks.
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