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South San Juan Wilderness Backpack

Fri, 2013-06-14
Evan Rose

Some folks had to drop out - Contact Evan to join the trip! 
Let's take a 3 day backpack trip up the Adams Fork of the Conejos River in the South San Juan Wilderness in southern Colorado.  Leave Friday morning and begin hiking by 1 pm near the western end of Platoro Reservoir.  Hike about 5 miles (1200 ft elevation gain) up the Adams Fork drainage to timberline and camp at about 11,000 ft.  Saturday - day hike to Summit Peak (13,300 ft)  - early start required.  Other day hikes possible.  Hike out Sunday morning & drive home.  
Limit - 12 people
Gear list and carpooling arrangements to be sent out to participants.  Full rain gear (jacket and pants) and a pack cover are a must in the South San Juan!  Participants will be responsible for their own food, stoves, and tents - but we'll help people connect with others who would like to share.  
Send an email to to sign up!

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