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Top Roping


We are pleased to announce that Tues/Thur top roping has begun. Rachel Morneau has graciously volunteered to schedule the locations.  A map of the locations is here
People start showing up at the scheduled top roping location a little before 5, and climb until sunset. All climbers are invited to attend these community oriented sessions. You don't have to be a member of LAM, because this isn't a LAM event.    You should bring a rope and anchor gear, and know how to belay safely.   This is not a climbing school and no instruction is provided!
Remember to set safe anchors: This requires redundancy of anchor sets, e.g., two independent slings with two carabiners on bolted anchors or 3 bomb proof gear placements.  Try not to use dead or dying trees.  If you have any doubts, ask an experienced climber to check your anchor. 
We request that students of the LAM Climbing School refrain from coming to scheduled Tuesday/Thursday sessions until after graduation.  Thank you!
* Top roping is not a LAM event, we only provide a place to post them.  So you don't need a LAM waiver.  Also, we don't provide ropes, so bring your own or be real nice to the people that do! 



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