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Tree Planting -around the Nordic Ski Trails near Pajarito Mountain

Jennifer Sublett, Santa Fe Nat'l Forest
Fri, 2013-04-12

The SF Nat'l Forest is seeking volunteers for tree planting efforts withink the 2011 Las Conchas fire burn area near los Alamos.  Exact dates are dependent upon weather, soil moisture, etc., but possible dates are Fridays and Saturdays of April 12/13 and 19/20.
The 56-acre area around teh Nordic Ski Trails at the base of Pajarito Mountain Ski Area within the burn area will be planted with Douglas Fir. 
The Forest Service will take volunteer reservations of up to 30-50 people each day.  Volunteers must provide their own boots, gloves, long pants, long sleeve shirts, and safety glasses.  Hard hats will be provided. 
Volunteers will be participating under the Southwest Nordic Ski Club Parnership Agreement, which means hours worked will count toward a match of Federal funds to further restore the recreational trails around Los Alamos in the future. 
Contact Jennifer Sublett, USFS, to volunteer.  505-753-7331

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