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Adventures in Africa

Wed, 2013-02-20

Michael and Michele Altherr


Africa is the world’s second largest and second most populous continent. It includes greater than 50 distinct nations largely delineated by Europeans. This has created a difficult and tumultuous history for its people that is, at least, as interesting as viewing the remnants of its mega fauna, and its natural wonders such as the volcanoes of the Virunga Mountains and Victoria Falls. We will share some of our trip planning experiences and recommendations, but the focus of our talk will be on our excursions to see wildlife interspersed with cultural activities, and with stories of people we met along our path. Our journey took us to see: the free roaming primates (chimpanzees, gorillas and a variety of others) of Rwanda; the South Luangwa National Park, a ‘big-five’ park, in the Eastern Province of Zambia; and finally on a canoe trip on Zambezi River above Victoria Falls as Nile crocodile waited for hippopotamus to separate us from our inflatable canoes.


Trip Location: 
United States
11° 57' 51.1452" S, 32° 9' 47.88" E

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