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Leadville Snowshoe/Ski Feb. 14-18

Thu, 2013-02-14
Bill Priedhorsky

As we have done in past years, we will rent a house in Leadville and use that town - the highest city in the U.S. - as a base for snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and alpine skiing. The latter can be done at funky old Ski Cooper (3 free days with a Pajarito pass), or world class Copper Mountain, just 25 miles and 40 minutes away. We will drive up the afternoon/evening of Thursday February 14, spend 4 nights in Leadville, giving us 3 days for adventures, then return to Los Alamos on Monday the 18th, which is the President's Day holiday. With a house as a base, we can prepare dinners together and socialize in the evenings. Please write Bill at to sign up. A $100 deposit will hold your spot.
Regards, Bill

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