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Pagosa/Wolf Creek Winter Sports Jan. 17-21

Thu, 2013-01-17
Bill Priedhorsky

Let's return to Pagosa for a weekend of winter sports - snowshoe, cross country, and downhill at Wolf Creek, as your tastes may take you. In the evenings we can relax at the hot springs. Snow conditions are epochal. Wolf Creek has received 6 feet of snow in the last week, and is boasting a 60-inch base already, which bodes well for excellent conditions for the next few weeks. Our plan will be to drive up to Pagosa in the afternoon or after work on Thursday, January 17, and drive back sometime on the MLK holiday, Monday Janaury 21, which gives us 3 full days for winter sports. I'll rent a house based on the number of participants, which gives fairly low cost housing, when we share out the cost, and a place to share dinners and lies in the evenings. Please e-mail Bill at the address above to register your interest. Your spot will be secured with a deposit of $75. Past experience is that lodging for the whole 4 nights might be in the range of $150 per person, but we won't know the details until we assemble the part and make a reservatoion.

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