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East Fork Snow Shoe

Sun, 2013-01-13
Michael Altherr

Meet at PEEC at 9:15 for a 9:30 departure. Return around 3:00 p.m.  Bring a lunch. We will start at the Las Conchas trailhead and finish at the Eastfork trailhead, a total distance of about 5 miles with an anticipated travel time of 3 hours. The trail follows the meandering East Fork of the Jemez River for approximately two miles before climbing up to the top of the mesa. The trail then descends almost imperceptibly through quiet woodland for about 3 miles to the Eastfork trailhead. Car pools and shulttles will be set up to facilitate the trek in one direction.  Children and well behaved, friendly dogs are welcome (but please be prepared to remove their waste, dogs too ;-) ) .  If there isn't enough snow for snowshoeing, this will be a winter hike.

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