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11th Annual Sandia Mountain Snowshoe Race

Sat, 2013-01-19
Jean Payne


11th Annual Sandia Mountain Snowshoe Race


The 11th Annual Sandia Mountain Snowshoe Race, presented by Friends of the Sandia Mountains, is scheduled for Saturday, January 19, 2013. The race begins at 10:00 a.m. at the lower level parking lot at Sandia Crest and is a 5-km trek through the Cibola National Forest.


Register at REI or by mail. Registration forms and more information are available online at The registration fee of $30 ($45 after January 5, 2013) includes a long-sleeved T-shirt, pre- and post-race refreshments, and prizes in several categories.


The race is limited to 150 participants, and racers of all levels are invited to participate. The race filled up early the last years, so don’t delay and miss out on the fun.



Jean Payne

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