Steve grew up in California in sight of Mt. Tamalpais, where his parents introduced
him to the outdoors and natural history at an early age (with a father trained in
herpetology, bringing lizards, snakes, frogs, and other critters home was a family
Steve with friends, Galapagos Islands, 2008
On his first backpacking trip, a week-long trek in the Sierra at age 13, Steve became
enamored with spending time in the wilderness, far from roads. Solo backpacks
began when he was 15, when he also became fond of remote mountain summits.
After meeting his wife, Peggy, at geology grad school, they moved to Los Alamos in
1988 where he got paid to explore the canyons and mesas of the Pajarito Plateau for
various LANL programs. While in NM, Steve took up cross-country skiing and rock
climbing (graduate of the 2007 LAM Climbing School), and continued hiking and
climbing mountains (he completed summiting the CO 14ers in 2007 and CO’s 100
highest summits in 2011).
Summit of Jagged Mountain, Weminuche Wilderness, CO, 2008
With opportunities for field work at LANL drying up, Steve retired in 2012 to spend
more time enjoying the outdoors.
Ancient Art, Fisher Towers, Utah, 2011
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