Friday, November 9, 2012
Start Time:6:00 pm
End Time:8:00 pm
REEL ROCK 7 rolls out a fresh batch of the best new climbing films from Sender Films, Big Up, Camp 4 Collective, Hot Aches, Alstrin Films and more. Tickets can be purchased at REI Santa Fe, online Reel Rock website: or at the Santa Fe Climbing Center REEL ROCK shows are exciting events where climbers and outdoors lovers come together to celebrate the ultimate in adventure filmmaking. For our seventh year, Sender Films and Big UP Productions are combining the biggest names in the sport with stories of pushing the limits like never before. From battling Himalayan peaks to a battle on Spanish limestone to establish the world's first 5.15c. From the non-conformist world of offwidth climbing to the new found fame of the boundary-pushing sport of free soloing. This year's films are nothing short of intrepid tales that will get your palms sweating from beginning to end.
Let me know if you have any questions or would like us to sent you some hard copies of the posters in the mail.
Andre Wiltenburg
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