Join Zack for a run from the Mitchell Trailhead to Pajarito Ski Hill via Guaje Ridge to celebrate Ullrfest.
What: 8 mile one-way from the Michell trail to the Ski Hill. Return to Sullivan field via free county bus.
When: Sept 29. Meet at the trailhead at 11am to get to the party by 1ish.
How: Running. With enough people, different pace groups will form and people can go at their own pace. There is a party on the deck after, so if any particular person is slower it won't be a problem.
Who: You. It's probably best if you have run this sort of distance before.
Please RSVP to Zack at
This is a continuation of the Blitzwanderung series, or "lightning hike." Have you always felt that hiking was great, that all the scenery was quite lovely, but that it could be improved if the trees were kind of blurry and the scenery changed faster? Well, here is the solution for you. Following the German tradition,the Blitzwanderung attacks the mountain with a vengance.
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