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Urban brunch hike (catered)

Sat, 2012-09-22
Melissa Bartlett

We’ve had urban brunch hikes before, but this one has a twist. We will finish the hike at the Co-op, who will be waiting for us with a catered brunch (not a potluck like before – no muss, no fuss). We will meet at the Larry Walkup pool parking lot at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning. After shuttling some cars to the Co-op, we will start the hike, taking the Ranch School Trail down to the Pueblo Canyon Trail, then following the canyon until the Tent Rocks Trail splits off to the south. The new Zipline Trail will switchback us up to the mesatop, where we can take the Pueblo Canyon Rim Trail around the east end of the airport and onward to the Co-op.  There, a catered brunch will be awaiting – coffee, frittata, breakfast breads e.g. scones and muffins, and fruit.  The total distance is approximately 5 miles, with a descent into and ascent from Pueblo Canyon.
In order to set up the brunch, we require advanced reservations. The cost will be $12, which must be received by September 9. Please write Melissa Bartlett to hold a spot, and send her a check (380 Rim Road, Los Alamos 87544) or contact her to arrange an electronic transfer.

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