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South San Juan Wilderness backpack

Fri, 2012-07-27
Jean Dewart

This trip is FULL

Let's do a weekend backpack in the South San Juan Wilderness!

Leave Friday morning (7/27) at 8 am.  It is about a 4 hour drive to the Three Forks Trailhead above Platoro Reservoir.  10,200 ft.  Hike approximately 6 miles up the Middle Fork of the Conejos River.   Camp at 11,400 ft at the intersection of the Middle Fork Trail and the Continental Divide Trail.  This campsite is above treeline.  Saturday - day hike.  Possibilities include the Lake Ann/Gunsight Pass loop, a loop hike to the North Fork of the Conejos River, or a loop hike to Fish Lake.   Hike out Sunday morning and return to Los Alamos.

Note to participants - this is a rainy area - full rain gear advised!

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