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How I learned to lead “Priedhorsky moderate”: Forty canyon adventures from age 10

Wed, 2012-09-19


On Wednesday, September 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Fuller Lodge, Reid Priedhorsky will tell stories of his forty adventures on the Colorado Plateau.


Dark Canyon, 1989


Part coming-of-age story, part exploration of local natural beauty, and part compendium of hilarious debacles, this talk is about the canyons of the Colorado Plateau. In photographs and illustrations, Reid will tell the story of his forty adventures in the ethereal landscape which inspired the alien worlds of Calvin and Hobbes’ Spaceman Spiff. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll demand a refund.

Reid was born and raised in Los Alamos and spent 13 years in Minnesota before returning in fall 2011. Actual excerpt from one of his trip invitations: “Difficulty will be standard ‘Priedhorsky Moderate’. You can look forward to extremely hard work, pain, terrible cold, blazing heat, bad food, intestinal disturbances, odor, risk of injury or death, and many other unpleasant circumstances. There will also be nice scenery and an opportunity to go places almost no one ever goes.”

This talk contains sexual themes and references to drug use.


Stevens Canyon, 2009


Death Hollow, 2005


Death Hollow, 2005

Trip Location: 
United States
37° 53' 30.2892" N, 111° 38' 2.4" W

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