Trip Leader Awards: The club is grateful to those who lead our outdoor adventures. As a token of appreciation, trip leaders can earn awards. The awards change from time-to-time, sometimes T-shirts, sometimes hats, sometimes a piece of gear, maybe someday...socks! Awards require 2 trip leadership points, where 1 point accrues to a day trip and 2 points to an overnighter.
Here is an example of a past T-shirt award.
Mountaineer wicking shirts - only available to trip leaders! |
The board is committed to help new leaders. If you would like to lead a trip and have not led one before, the board will do its best to help you organize it, and if you like, provide an experienced deputy leader to back you up. Please let a board member know what trips you would like to lead, or ask them for ideas. The club's Guidelines for Trip Leaders are another source of help and advice.
All sorts of activities are appreciated. The board thinks that any of these trips could be popular:
* Cool season day hikes in the Espanola, Abiquiu, and Ojo Caliente areas
* Brunch outings on the Los Alamos county trails
* Summer hikes in the Jemez and Sangres
* Backpacking trips in northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado
* 14er ascents
* Hut trips summer and winter
* Climbing and canyoneering
* Anything on the snow: XC, snowshoe, or alpine
* Adventures to the ends of the Earth
* Family and dog-friendly outings
Some more specific destinations that we would love to see on the calendar:
* 12,637 foot Humphrey’s Peak near Flagstaff
* Continental Divide Trail near the monastery beyond Abiquiu
* Climbing days on the local cliffs
* Almost any backpack trip into the Grand Canyon
* The day hike down into Embudo Creek past Dixon NM
* Aravaipa Canyon wilderness in Arizona
* The Subway–Great West Canyon loop in Zion National Park
* The keyhole route up Long’s Peak
* Blanca Peak near Alamosa
* Singletrack bike riding on White Mesa, near San Ysidro
* Ruins on Cedar Mesa, above the Moki Dugway
* Bike trekking near Jerome, AZ
* Climbing Granite Mountain near Prescott, AZ
* Easy backpacks into the Cruces Basin Wilderness west of San Antonio Peak
* Day hiking (or overnighting) into Santa Barbara Canyon
* The wet hike down the Jemez River box, good for the hottest part of the year
* Car camping and climbing on the basaltic rock columns in Sugarite State Park, near Raton
* The White Rock Overlook to Diablo Canyon – hike, climb, and swim
* The Spanish Peaks in Colorado
Ask us for details!
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