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Peakbagging in New England and where it brought me

Wed, 2012-07-18

Although not internationally known for its mountain hiking, New England has a surprising quality and variety of small ranges and moderate peaks. The naturally obsessive tend towards a tradition of bagging peaks meeting certain criteria, of which the New Hampshire Fours are probably the most well-known. I'll share my adventures climbing the hundred highest peaks in New England, with some relevant local history and a dash of light geology. Peakbagging naturally lead me to other outdoor pursuits and concerns in an environment that has seen heavy use for a century and a half.



Bio:  Jon got started in the outdoor life with family vacations and "big backyards", first in the Four Corners area and later in northwest Ontario. He picked it back up again as a diversion from grad school, completing the New England Hundred Highest on Whitecap in Maine one week before successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis at Boston University and one month before packing off to Los Alamos.


Trip Location: 
United States
45° 34' 30.2736" N, 69° 13' 14.844" W

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