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Splashing down the East Fork of the Jemez

Sat, 2012-06-30
Bill Priedhorsky

Too hot for you? Me too. One way to hike cool is to hike wet, so let’s go explore the gorge section of the East Fork of the Jemez. This will not be the traverse that we have done in past years, but an out and back trip through the meadows and into the upper end of the gorge. We will
Bring water, lunch, clothing choices to cover possibilities from hot to overcast and sprinkling, and shoes suitable for walking on wet rocks. A hiking staff is recommended. Be prepared to be completely wet.
We will leave Los Alamos at 10 AM on Saturday June 30, organize into carpools, and drive into the Jemez to the second crossing of highway 4 across the East Fork. We will hike downstream, following the trail along the river, until we reach the mouth of the gorge. We will then wade down the gorge until we decide to turn back, and either retrace our steps, or scramble up the south slope of the gorge to intersect the trail above. Once back to the mouth of the gorge, whether by trail or the stream, we will follow the same trail back to the cars.

Mouth of the gorge looking upstream. The water is higher in the photo than I expect for our trip on a hot June day.
Please contact Bill at if you would like to join in.

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