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Annual Summer Solstice Pajarito Mtn hike and potluck

Wed, 2012-06-20
Jean Dewart

All – it’s time for the Sierra Club and LA Mountaineers to celebrate the summer solstice with a hike and potluck!
Meet at 5:30 in the parking lot adjacent to the Pajarito Mountain Ski Lodge.  Since the available deck is adjacent to the top of the Spruce Lift, there are several options for hiking – up Aspen and back down to the top of Spruce Lift, up the Lone Spruce run, or up Zero Road east which zig-zags to the top of Spruce Lift. 
Bring a potluck dish to share, drinks, your own plate, cup, and utensils.  It gets cool in the evening – so bring a sweater or jacket.  The Spruce deck is smaller than the deck that burned – so, I might bring along my own chair!

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