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A Week on Roper’s Sierra High Route

Tue, 2025-04-29

Sunset in the High Sierras

The upcoming Mountaineers meeting on April 29th will feature a talk by Tim Rennick about a backpacking journey along a portion of Steve Roper's Sierra High Route (SHR).

In September 2024, Tim, along with Will Garand, Tanja Pietraß, Rick Rubio, Robin Gurule, and Guilhem Werbelow, embarked on this demanding trek. The SHR, a 195-mile rugged alternative to the John Muir Trail, was designed by Steve Roper and traverses the heart of the Sierra Nevada Range. The route passes through Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park, John Muir Wilderness, Ansel Adams Wilderness, and Yosemite National Park, showcasing some of the most breathtaking and remote landscapes in the region.

The group's week-long journey, covering a portion of the SHR, primarily took place in the John Muir Wilderness, where they navigated high alpine passes, remote granite basins, glacially carved valleys, pristine alpine lakes, and rugged cross-country terrain. They faced off-trail navigation, snow and talus fields, and steep ridgelines, all while experiencing the beauty and solitude of the High Sierras.

Tim grew up in Ohio, where his love for the outdoors was nurtured through scouting adventures and summers with family in Ontario, Canada. During these experiences, he developed a deep appreciation for hiking, camping, fishing, boating, and the thrill of exploring the wild. Since moving to New Mexico in 2022, Tim has become even more immersed in outdoor activities, now sharing them with a great community of friends. Beyond backpacking and wilderness trekking, he is an avid cyclist and has a growing interest in packrafting.

We welcome all to this Mountaineers’ meeting. This month we will meet on the fifth Tuesday of the month, April 29th, rather than the normal fourth Tuesday, because PEEC will focus on Earth day and the PEEC 25th anniversary on April 22nd (please join in the PEEC events that day). The social hour, with cookies, begins at 6:45 PM and the program at 7:00 PM. The presentation will be in-person at Los Alamos Nature Center; the slides will be live-streamed on Zoom. Registration is required to Zoom and recommended for in-person – we would love to see your smiling face. Registration details will be posted once they are available.

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