Trip participants are expected to be prepared for the level of technicality and the level of difficulty. Trip participants should be aware that outdoor activities such as this one, can be hazardous and involve danger to participants. By signing up for this trip, the participant is accepting any and all risks of injury and death. Participants will be asked to sign a waiver at the beginning of the trip.
The Angel of Shavano is the snow feature in the couloir between Mt. Shavano (14,228') and its sub-peak to the south, Esprit Point. In the spring and early summer, as the winter snow melts, the remaining snow gullies look vaguely like an angel with outstretched wings. Or Gumby :)
The trailhead is at 9,750', and our total elevation gain would be greater than 4,000' (4,600' if we dash up to tag the summit for extra credit). Approximately 8 miles round-trip.
Participants should have alpine touring (AT) skis, telemark skis, or a splitboard. Other equipment requirements include: skins, shovel, avalance beacon, probe, and a backpack able to carry your skis (as the first part of the approach is likely to be free of snow). Crampons for skis/splitboard and/or boots would be helpful, as there is a steep pitch (>30°) near the angel's "waist".
I'm open to participants camping near the trailhead or staying in a Salida motel.
If avalanche risk is too high and/or the weather forecast is unfavorable, I will postpone this outing.
Additional details about the route:
Après-ski at Elevation Brewery!
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