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Rappel Pajarito Gorge in White Rock

Sat, 2025-03-01
Daniel Creveling
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

It's time to dust off the cobwebs and rappel down a canyon. Let's do Pajarito Gorge in White Rock. This is not a class or workshop… just a canyon descent. Prior rappelling experience is required, but not canyoneering experience. This canyon has four rappels, longest is about 120 feet. It is usually possible to do this canyon without getting your feet wet. The hike out has a bit of 3rd class scrambling in the sun. We may need to cancel at the last minute due to weather, but that's how it goes sometimes with canyoneering.


The trailhead and parking area for Pajarito Gorge is at the end of Kimberly Ln in White Rock. Park in the cul-de-sac. This trip begins and ends at the parking area, so no car shuttle required.

Minimum required technical gear:

Harness, helmet, rappel/belay device with locking carabiner, safety tether (carabiner & sling is fine), sturdy shoes.

Other things to bring:

Water, lunch/snacks, hat, sunscreen, small backpack, rappelling gloves

Limit 10 people total. We will meet in the parking area at 7:30am to start rappelling around 8am. I expect we should be out around 2-3pm depending on the group size and experience level. Send me an email to sign up. I will send out more details the day before the trip.

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