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Pajarito ski area - snowshoe to the Blue Bench

Sat, 2025-01-11
Olivia L
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

It looks like Pajarito ski area got a thin layer of new snow this week.  From the town I can see the band of the slope covered in snow as I usually snowshoe up this way from near Townsite. 

Please join me in snowshoeing to the blue bench Saturday morning.  We will attempt to snowshoe the ski runs that are closed as not to interfere with the normal skiers. 

Going up is very steep so be prepared.  It is going to be very cold. Bring snowshoes, poles, gaiters, gloves, wool hat, sun hat, sunglasses, sunscreeen, water, some snacks.  Dress in layers as we would warm up fast in ascending. 

We should be done early afternoon. 

Distance: 3+ miles.
Elevation gain: 1300+ feet. 

Meeting place: TBA in town for carpooling or meet me at the left turnoff after Townsite. 

Please email me if you are interested. 

Hope you can make it as this is last minute notice based on the snow condition. 

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