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Pagosa winter sports weekend new dates Jan 17-21

Fri, 2025-01-17
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

After a huge start, things are not looking great for the New Mexico ski season. There is a classic solution to this problem - head north! I would like to propose a long weekend trip, staying in Pagosa Springs, and spending our days in winter sports - skiing at Wolf Creek, or cross-country skiing and snowshoeing wherever there is snow to be found. Wolf Creek currently has a 40" base, which is good enough for me. Although the January 6 storm was a disappointment, there is still hope - a Pagosa contact said on Jan 7 "We were there last Sat and there was still 2-4” powder in the trees. We are going on Thursday and it should be great with this snow."

Once we get a party together, we can finalize our lodging plans in the Pagosa area and share its cost. We have a place reserved checking in Friday Jan 17 and checking out Tuesday Jan 21, and can expand into additional lodgings as needed - there are still places available in Pagosa at this point.

We are postponing this trip by one weekend to solicit more participation and hope for more snow. We would head up in the morning of Friday Jan 17, hopefully early enough to ski at least part of the day, spend Saturday, Sunday, and Monday on more winter sports, returning home Tuesday morning. Let me (Bill Priedhorsky) know if you would like to join in.

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