This is the fifth annual spring climb to iconic Cabezon Peak.
Cabezon Peak towers 2000 feet above the Rio Puerco Valley. This volcanic plug is the remnant of the core of a volcano - like Shiprock. Appearing impregnable, Cabezon can nonetheless be ascended by the intrepid mountaineer who follows the hidden route that wends its way through a crack in the peak's defenses. Said mountaineer must be able to execute a couple of low fourth class maneuvers in pursuit of the summit and its spectacular views.
The hike is short (four miles), steep and rocky. The prepared person will bring hiking shoes, gloves, jacket, hat, sunscreen, water & lunch. A climbing helmet is required - it will protect you from the falling rocks that others dislodge. I will bring some club-owned helmets. Hand lines will help with the two or three tricky places. I will carry radios for communication among the hikers on channel 3-14 and a Garmin InReach for emergencies. There will be a simple first aid kit.
Read about the Rio Puerco volcanic plugs
Watch Evan's video Exploring a Few New Mexico Volcanic Plugs
Los Alamos Mountaineers members who would like to participate should contact Evan. Let's talk about your comfort with moderate climbing and exposure. I am eager to find participants who can help keep track of the other hikers.
Cabezon Peak is ninety miles from Los Alamos. The drive takes two hours on NM 4, US 550 and NM 279. The final approach is on a dirt / gravel road. Evan will provide the start time & location and detailed directions to members of the group.
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