This Sunday, November 24, is the Annual Los Alamos Crop Hunger Walk and Turkey Trot. This event raises funds to support local, national, and international efforts to relieve hunger and to support disaster relief. This year's event is dedicated to the memory of Jeanne Butler, a long time volunteer for the Hunger Walk and L.A. Cares.
Meet at the Los Alamos Middle School Cafeteria at 1:30 to sign up and make a monetary donation, and grab a t-shirt while they last. The run/walk starts at 2 pm - there is a 1.7 mile course and a 2.6 mile course down the mesa and thru the stables.
There is a drawing for turkeys and pies back at the cafeteria at the end of the run/walk.
Come on out to support your community and get some exercise before Thanksgiving!
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