Ski Trail preparations - Canada Bonita trail at Pajarito Mountain
Our local winter Nordic ski trails take a lot of maintenance which is typically done by the South West Nordic Ski Club (SWNSC).
Saturday Nov 9 is the annual "Hanging of the Greens", a community effort to install the sunshades which keep the snow better longer. Come on out and lend a hand. The work involves zip tying the Sun shades to pre positioned poles in designated spots along the trail. SWNSC has the ties and shades already to go, just need as many hand in the job as possible. The more the merrier and the faster the job goes. And this year there's snow so folks will likely be heading for a ski afterwards. Bring your gear to head out on your own afterward for a ski or snowshoe.
* Meet at 9:00am at the Canada Bonita trailhead near the Camp May gate. Dress for the weather and bring gloves to both keep warm and manipulate zip ties.
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