due to warmer and sunnier weather than predicted, the golf course is too soft for grooming. Those interested in skiing please reach out I will plan on Canada Bonita.
Ski and dinner -
The snow is here and the Los Alamos golf course will be groomed Friday! Come meet other Nordic Ski enthusiasts and enjoy in-town skiing. All levels welcome. We will meet up and then ski your own pace and distance on the trails of the golf course.
4:00pm meet in the Golf Course parking lot
4-6 pm. SKI, SKI, SKI
6:00pm dinner at Cottonwood on the Greens: https://www.cottonwoodonthegreens.com/menu
Come for part or all. I encourage support of the restaurant as our appreciation for county grooming the ski trails.
Please RSVP (ski/dinner/both) so we know who to look out for on the ski trail, and a count for dinner reservations.
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