This will be a day after Thanksgiving hike in the Ghost Ranch area, exploring the mesas and slick rock in our little northern New Mexico corner of the Colorado Plateau. The weather looks promising - clear and chilly. We will leave Los Alamos at 8:30 AM, and drive to the highway rest stop just before the entrance to Ghost Ranch. We will then hike up the nearby valley, into the mouth of Talus Canyon, then up onto the mesatop to explore the slickrock edges that overlook the views to the west, including the view to Pedernal. We will then retrace our steps, or return down a known trail on the west side of the mesa. Given the short days, we will be back to the cars no later than 4:00 PM. This will be off-trail hiking with scrambling on low-angle rock, but not any vertical technical work. We'll be gone the whole day - bring a lunch, water, sunscreen, and warm clothes. If there is interest, we may stop for dinner in Abiquiu on the way back home. Let me know if you would like to join in.
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